Problems with Gender Based Violence Data in
Rural, Remote and Northern Landscapes
Gender-based violence (GBV) data is a problem in rural, remote and northern (RRN) contexts. What GBV data being collected - and how it is being collected - lacks accuracy and consistency. Furthermore, privacy and confidentiality limitations prevent the use of data that are being collected.
As a result, we reinforce the "silos" within and across our communities of practice, and continue to build response systems that lack intersectionality and are NOT shaped by the actual needs of people.
The Yukon Status of Women Council is co-creating this toolkit aimed at promoting community driven, wholistic GBV data framework development that is responsive to the intersectional needs of people experiencing GBV in rural, remote and northern communities.

The Toolkit
Understand why GBV data in RRNs is problematic
Explore and access tools to promote solutions to our RRN GBV data problems
Identify the priorities related to data and RRNs in the National Action Plan

Data is not just data.
Data is about the very arrangements of
power, profit, inclusion, and equality that structure our society.
Why do we need a toolkit?
Gender-based violence (GBV) comes in many forms, like physical, sexual, psychological, emotional, and financial abuse, as well as violence that happens through technology. It can happen at home, in public spaces, at work, or online. Rural, remote and northern places in every circumpolar northern country, including Canada, have significantly higher rates of GBV.
GBV is vastly underreported. This means the data governments and NGOs collect about GBV are not painting an accurate picture of what is actually happening. What’s more, data that is being collected is often not comparable across provinces and territories, because what is being captured, counted and reported is inconsistent.
For GBV that is reported, governments collect some data, as do non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Both governments and NGOs collect “administrative” and “survey or self-reported” data.
Applying an intersectional approach to GBV data collection and analysis in rural, remote and northern contexts is especially problematic.
Intersectional Approaches
Intersectional approaches to data analysis means collecting data on specific aspects of identity (eg. sex, gender, ethnicity), and understanding how different aspects of identity combine and affect people in unique ways. An intersectional approach enables us to better understand how aspects of identity are shaped by systems of power and institutions/structures.
For example, an Indigenous woman with a disability who lacks access to affordable housing, has less power and privilege and is more likely to experience GBV.

Limitations on Intersectional
Approaches in RRNs
Data related to aspects of identity, like age, gender, and race might be collected, but often cannot be "added together" or published. This is because the population sizes are so small in many of our communities, and we risk identifying specific people if too many aspects of identity are published. Many legislative, policy and practice frameworks are built with the prioritization of anonymity (for good reason). However, this also invisibilizes people and their unique circumstances of power, privilege and identity.
From a systemic point of view, our ability to make links between aspects of identity and how they relate to
institutions/structures are compromised. What's more, systems of power are inflated.