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The National Action Plan to End Gender Based Violence
+ RRNs + Intersectional Data

"The statistics reflect the national picture, however, instances of GBV vary across Canada. There are challenges and gaps in collecting consistent and detailed data, particularly in rural and remote contexts and among marginalized populations.


A further challenge is the lack of data to support the use of an intersectional lens, which recognizes that people often experience multiple oppressions due to the combined effects of systemic discrimination (e.g., ableism, classism, colonialism, a collective history of trauma, poverty, racism, sexism, and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity and expression).


This highlights the need to collect and report on disaggregated data, wherever possible, and to invest in population-specific targeted research to address persistent gaps and challenges in data. Despite these acknowledged gaps and limitations, the data still presents a stark image of GBV in Canada."

The Roadmap versus The Plan

YSWC has compiled two brief analyses on "oversight" and "evidence-based decision making", comparing the frequency of occurrences and contexts, in both the Report to Guide the Implementation of a NAP and the Federal Government's NAP.

Oversight and evidence-based decision making in the NAP

YSWC continues to receive the bulk of its project funding from the federal Women and Gender Equality (WAGE) department. As an organization, we strive to promote gender justice and public good. We recognize the critical role government plays in enabling public good. However, we also recognize that a lack of oversight and a lack of evidence-based decision making undermines good governance, and in turn, public good.​


As described on the Roadmap to the NAP website, "...a robust Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning (MEAL) framework must be in place from the beginning to ensure that evidence is properly generated to support the NAP’s ongoing success. This, along with the early establishment of a body/mechanism empowered to provide independent oversight of the NAP is critical to ensuring transparency and accountability. Independent oversight gives the NAP its best chance at strategic, long-term success. And it has to be established from the start, with community-based anti-violence expertise at the table. An Independent Oversight Body of Experts is critical to objectively tracking and evaluating progress on the NAP. Plus, it will provide the structural support needed for the NAP to survive election cycles and different government mandates".


In late 2022, when the Federal Government officially announced the NAP, it was unclear how the priority for oversight is being integrated into the plan.


In the spirit of "hard on the problems, soft on the people", coupled with our commitment to support accountable and transparent government, YSWC urges the Federal Government to re-evaluate the marked lack of mechanisms to enable oversight and evidence based-decision making within the National Action Plan to End Gender-Based Violence.  

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