Non-Governmental Organizations also Collect GBV Data
“Administrative” and “survey or self-reported”
Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) = Grass-roots, frontline serving organizations like shelters, sexual assault centres, women's centres, community-based research organizations etc.
NGO Administrative Data
Examples: Intake forms, data reported to funders, number of clients served, number of staff, amount of funding received, revenue reported to CRA etc.
NGO Survey & Self-Reported Data
Examples: Narrative information shared by service user through intakes, anecdotal "data" shared through community-based research projects, engagement on social media platforms, conversations at drop-in programs and peer groups.
Risks and Limitations of NGO Driven GBV Data
Lack of trustworthiness
Data collected by NGOs has been (and could be) used in weaponizing ways (eg. subpeonaed; data taken/used out of context; policy decisions that undermine sustainability of the sector).
Inaccessibility of existent data collection systems
Funders and umbrella orgs that are collecting these data don’t have to share it;
Private and public funders are collecting data but its often hidden behind paywalls or protected by privacy legislation.
Capacity constraints
Funders don’t give us $ to collect it so little incentive to collect it. We don’t have capacity to collect it; Historically these kinds of data have been misused, so we don't feel particularly compelled to collect it or share it.
Inconsistencies across jurisdictions
Differing regulatory frameworks result in variable "standards" of data collection processes.
Inconsistencies within the instruments
There's a lack of a "standard" set of questions; variations in the underlying value systems (eg. trauma vs response based practices).